Mike Pence Is A Silly Man

Michael Arceneaux
5 min readDec 26, 2022

At one point will the former Vice President accept that he will never become POTUS?

Photo by History in HD on Unsplash

The only legitimate shot Mike Pence ever had of becoming president was around the time Donald Trump sent a angry mob to the Capitol.

Yet, even after Trump angrily made Pence a target over his decision to not participate in the plot to install Trump into a second term, Pence refused to invoke the 25th amendment to remove him from power.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi had pressed Pence to use the tool as a means to remove Trump — noting that if the vice president did not act, the House of Representatives would vote to impeach Trump a second time.

In response, Pence wrote a letter to Pelosi and said “I do not believe that such a course of action is in the best interest of our Nation or consistent with our Constitution.”

He argued that it would “set a terrible precedent” given the amendment as written applies to cases of presidential incapacity or disability.

I would like to think a conspiracy-loving idiot trying to stage a coup d’état based on bullshit he heard from an alleged drunk and various crazy people he saw on TV and the internet suffices, but Pence thought otherwise.

Likewise, Trump shrugging off real attempts by the mob he incited to hang his VP would scream…



Michael Arceneaux

New York Times bestselling author of “I Can’t Date Jesus” and “I Don’t Want To Die Poor.”